NWO Will Not Stop

NWO Will Not Stop

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hello and Welcome To Fighting Domestic Terrorism

In this caption, I am referring to our present day terrorist attack by allowing open borders and Muslim Jihadists.  Syrian Refugees are included because the ISIS state is sending it's regime into America via the refugee onslaught.  I do not create or write my websites for profit;  I am an American patriot and I stand for Justice, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness-  but, as you will note by viewing American Economics Again, I believe The USA is under attack as well as The US Constitution.  I also believe there is an effort to overthrow The US Constitution and introduce Shariah Law into America; and that American lives are in danger of ISIS for which Obama is responsible for financing and supporting.  

It's Time Americans Stop Playing And Take Responsibility 

The Future of America is At Stake 
The Future of Your Posterity is At Stake 
It's Every Citizen's Responsibility 

We Are On A Dead End Road 

"The People"-  We ARE The United States of America 

Know Them; Commit Them To Memory 






Don't just sit and listen; get up and commit to the protection of The 2nd Amendment.  Start local groups and rally.  Form organized chapters for the protection of the US Constitution.  Financially support your local efforts.  If you can, join the NRA.  Have speakers, Have rallies, Put literature together, and make videos; send those videos out over the internet and get them heard.  Be tenacious!  And Don't quit; don't let your guard down; and stick together!  

We need a civil Congressional Oversight Committee.  We need A Civil Intelligence Committee.  The People are the Fourth Branch of the Government and it's clear we need to form those committees.  

Establish local Militia!  Local Militia needs to help all law enforcement;  (view video above)-  Support local law enforcement and fight corruption in that law enforcement  (legitimately)  


Stop It Now!  

Race Bating-  Targeting, and Creating Chants in America

Seek The Truth; Find The Facts And Commit to The Truth In The Public

Demand Justice Where It Is Lacking 

Stop All Targeting And Race Bating; Stop Any Form of Political Correctness!  The US Constitution is correct!  It is the Supreme Law of our Land!  Eric Holder, (Fast and Furious), Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, need to go to jail.  Demand it.  Justice for Benghazi.  

Obama should have been taken out of the White House a long time ago!  The citizens should have gone to DC in American Spring and gotten the job done!  They still should go get the job done before he can call Marshall Law and try to subvert the elections; will he do that?  I don't know; but don't give it a chance to happen.  

Local Education 
Public School Funding 
Curriculum and Patriotism 

Close Borders 
(Put Up Walls From Canada To Mexico) 

Deport Illegal Aliens- 
 Make it a Federal Offense to come into American illegally!  Prison and deportation

Speak English In The United States 
(All literature printed in English) 
(No More "Press 1 for English" )

Demand Correct Monitory  System 
(Independent Debt- Free Money) 

The people have to make that happen.  Yes, it will create a huge mess to begin with; but it's the only way to stay safe; and de- fund the Elite Global Take Over.  There is no other way to do it!  

Re-establish a Correct Food and Drug Administration 

Dissolve The North American Union 
(Protect Sovereign United States) 

Put A Stop To Excessive Pay Raises In Washington DC -
  (The People vote; not the very ones who are getting the pay raises)

Dissolve Homeland Security
(Sue Any and All Occurrences of Violations against Privacy and Freedom )

Amendment Four Is Supreme Law; Homeland Security is ILLEGAL 

Fight Illegal American Justice Criminal Defense 
(It's Out of Control)

Stop Neighborhood Gang Violence 
(Create Gang Violence Task Force That Works)

Support A (REAL) Drug Enforcement Agency 

Stop Fraudulent Journalism 

Create "Term Limits" 

Stop Government Spying and Surveillance 


I'm Going To Address Each One of These Issues 


US and Global Economics 

These Thee Videos Are Essential 
The Elite Bankers and Congress and The President 
Liars, Thieves, Crooks, and Schemers against United States Citizens 

So, as long as 'we' know what 'we' are doing; who cares what plan they come up with; what scheme they hatch; or how much money they have!  It's not their money to begin with; it is and always has been derived from the pockets of the taxpayers;  This is why IRS has to be dissolved!  And, Central Banking!  It has to be.  

Citizens- in the end; no matter how many promises; no matter how much they insist your dollars are protected in any one bank; (FDIC); the bottom line is this.. The United States Government is BROKE~  IT HAS NO MONEY!  IT IS SO FAR IN DEBT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTINUE TO PROMISE YOU ANYTHING; IT WON'T BE ABLE TO KEEP IT'S PROMISE!  


As you watch these videos; pay close attention to the people who openly admit to the schemes the central bankers are involved in against the citizens.. just to save themselves and stay rich on your money and at your expense.. they are such crooks; thieves; and liars it's almost unbelievable!  

This system we are living in is a form of outright monetary beheading of 'the people'.  It silences all voice of 'the people' and creates and sustains an elite rich socialism.  If I could draw you a cartoon that cartoon would depict the people going into the banks every single day and 'demanding; pleading with the elite socialism system to rob them, steal from them, take all their wealth, and tie a gag around their mouths the whole time.  As long as 'the people' refuse to understand and come to terms with the fact that the United States Constitution is a government for the people of the people; and continue to allow Wall Street, The Federal Government, and The Elite to do what they do; 'make money out of debt and put you in debt doing it; you are no longer a citizen.  You have surrendered your citizenship, your voice, and your land.  That includes any future home you may want to own.  

The People cannot allow legalizing of fraud and theft in the banking system or any other part of their government/nation.  The Fiat system from Latin means "Let It Be So".. it's them playing God; making money out of thin air and you pay it back at what ever interest they decide at the time.  

They set you up.  They create situations that cause you to think you need their bail outs; it's all a play act; it's a monster disguise and you are the target, people.  You and me.  Your family and mine.. The honest power is in your hands; you need to recognize that.  

Do not bow your knees to their gods.  This is what you are doing by ignoring, going along with and being irresponsible as citizens of the United States.  

In this video (above), he talks about three banks in Ireland who became very big and when they did; they did it all together or at one time.  Eventually, they crumbled or in his words (they blew themselves up;) and then because they were so big; it ruined an entire economy.  That's what we have patriots.  When the banking system goes finally in America; our economy is gone.  (Unless we, the citizens start doing something about it now).  The ruin of our nation is coming by virtue of corruption, legal fraud and theft, and all at the taxpayer's expense.  It leaves you, me and our families in the dust when this happens.  Look at the video above with 'Hoover City'.. once financially secure people ended up living in cardboard houses and wearing newspaper for shoes.  

We have major issues, patriots; and we, the people, have to begin to take these issues into our hands and deal with them.  The Bankers and The Federal Government simply will not allow themselves to move out of this rich man socialism politics in America.  You know that; I know that.  We are the ones who will pay for all of the mistakes we make if we don't get a grip on this.  

{Just a reminder; I have links to all of the pages that belong to this site American Economics Again.  Those links are listed to the right above.  Please see all of the pages and subscribe to email notification when a new post is added. } 

Also, see Amore Le Cross-  For America in Prophesy and for those who love the Lord and Believe on Him.  

If you want to write to me; write AmoreLeCross@yahoo.com 

So, on the first page of American Economics Again and on this page, I've listed a lot of videos; and given time; I hope you watch them all and ponder them.  Above that; it does no good to think or talk or complain; the problem has to be removed at the root; and a new system put in place.  A working system that meets the standards of a sound government and monetary (long-term) stability for the people.  

#1  Congress need to coin our legal money; and it must be debt-free independent money; The North American Union cannot exist for the USA. The people HAVE to, if necessary, force Congress off of fiat money and back on gold-backed money.  

#2 The People have to end their relationships with any Bank on the fiat system; which at this point includes all of them.  They need to be given notice and time; but beyond that time; they will be closing their doors due to citizens refusing that system any longer. 

#3 The People need to force close the Federal Reserve; Period!  

#4  The people need to know that there will be a fight; the rich want you to bear the burden; this system works for them.  So, I have a page for this site called Survival, Trade, and Barter.  It's not complete yet; but I'll be working on it.  The point is; Americans need to plan and prepare for the force closing of the Central Banking System.  

#5  There can be NO BAIL OUTS!  

#6  The People need to force close the IRS 

#7  The illegal aliens need to be deported; they are brought in now for the purpose of re-population and of course; if the people stand up to the problems; the illegals will be given automatic citizenship and they will accept the debt system and burden.  They figure 'we can be replaced' 

#7 Realize, it's going to end one way or another; so let the people do it in a way that protects the people and at the same time; closes the doors.  

#8  Settle on a date in time; pay debts until that date; send a written notice to all creditors (official) that says at that date and time; the people are shutting the doors on debt, FIAT, theft, and government manipulation of the economy.  On and after that date; never again use a credit card; pay as you go; and the biggest thing is; you are officially out of debt by default because your debt was not constitutional or legal.  So, start with a clean slate.  (Unless you don't act and let this house of cards fall by way of uncontrolled consequence) 

#9  Get rid of the Electoral College.  Voting is actual count and majority wins.  (Dead People Cannot Vote)  

#10  During the time of preparation; establish a well-organized militia.. in all cities and towns and states.  


#11 Understand, the Federal Government is working against the citizen; and it is expected that they will create a huge national disaster in an effort to stop the fall of their economy by the people.  They will not go willingly or peacefully.. but with the people working this in the right way; it will work and has to work.. 

#12  I don't care what they say or what plan they propose; do not go with any global solution; do not trust them; be prepared and be prepared and be prepared.  I can't say this enough.  it can't be out of control; it has to be in control of the people.  NO GLOBAL ECONOMY!  NO GLOBAL MONEY!  NO CARTEL; NO ELITE, NO GLOBAL UNION.. NOTHING!  


#14 Realize, if you, and me, 'the people' aren't circulating their fake money; making loans- buying on credit; where do they get their power?  How do they continue to get rich?  They don't have any power of their own, patriots; according to the US Constitution; 'We The People' are the power!  So, stop doing things illegally; stop the illegals; and come together as one nation under God and work together to stop this atrocity on the American People.  Get a clean slate; work for that!  

Let the Bakers rot with their wealth; but the people won't pay for it anymore.  

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